The Department of Geography at Nagoya University is one of the leading departments in Japan in terms of research activity. The high standard of research is evident from the department's track record of nurturing top-level researchers. Graduates of the department include over 50 researchers at national and private universities.
Another feature of the department is the diversity of research areas studied. Students are able to freely choose research themes from the entire range of topics in diverse areas including human geography and physical geography (geomorphology). In addition to faculty in the Department of Geography, students are able to receive broad mentoring and supervising from instructors with a wide variety of specialties including climatology, meteorology, and hydrology who belong to the Graduate School of Environmental Studies at Nagoya University.
The Department of Geography at Nagoya University began in April 1950 as a geography course offered by the department of history in the school of literature. At the time, the campus was located on the grounds of the Nagoya Castle, and the Department of Geography was housed in the former sixth infantry regiment barracks. The building was subsequently moved to the Museum Meiji-Mura (Meiji Village) where it is being preserved.
After settling on an organization with four faculty members in the mid-1950s, the Department of Geography moved to the present Higashiyama campus in 1963, where it has continued to pursue cutting edge research and to generate a diverse range of graduates in a rich environment.
On occasion of the establishment of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies in 2001, the Department of Geography moved to the newly-built Environmental Studies Building and added three graduate faculty members, bringing the total number of faculty to seven.
Graduate students in the Department of Geography must be admitted to the Graduate School of Environmental Studies. Admissions are held in August and January each year, so please check the Graduate School's admission information.
With regard to the research interests of graduate students, please refer to Profile of Graduate Students.