Learning from the Fields

For prospective students

Undergraduate students are admitted to the Faculty of Humanities, Nagoya University, and can receive guidance by joining the Geography Course from the second year. For details, please refer to Admissions of Undergraduate Program.

The following is written mainly for those who wish to study geography in graduate school under my guidance. International students who wish to receive guidance in Japanese should read the page for 入学希望者向けのページ, in advance.

Research Supervision

The research areas that I can accept as a supervisor are cultural geography conducted using approaches such as cultural ecology, political ecology, and social ecological systems (SESs); geography of agriculture, forestry and fisheries; tourism geography; biosophia studies (studies on the relationship between humans and living things); material culture studies; and food culture studies.

The following are the research themes of the graduate students I have supervised at Nagoya University since 2009. Please refer to them for your information. [M: Master, D: Doctor]

2025/03 (M)
De-territorialization of Persian Carpets:Focusing on the Gabbeh Boom after the 1980s
2024/03 (M)
Landscape Improvement in Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture: Focusing on Residents' Agreement and External Images
2024/03 (M)
"Grain-for-Green" Policy and Livelihood Change in the Loess Plateau
2024/03 (M)
Decline and Existence of Drive Hunting in Kochi Prefecture
2024/03 (M)
The Relationship between Tumpangsari and Religion of Smallholders in North Bali, Indonesia
2023/03 (M)
Significance of MPS-ABC Certification in the Japanese Flower Industry
2022/03 (M)
Human-nature Interaction of the Jumping Spider Fighting Tradition in Yokohama City
2022/03 (M)
The Spatial Extent of Workers for Forest Management in Tokyo Metropolitan Forest Owners' Cooperative
2021/03 (D)
Geographical Study on Transformations and Adaptation Processes of Small-Scale Fishery Regions in Contemporary Japan [JSPS DC2, PD@National Museum of Ethnology]
2020/03 (D)
Swidden-based Smallholder Livelihoods under Marketization in Northern Laos
2020/03 (M)
Invasive Alien Species as a Social Entity: A Case Study of Apple Snail in Agricultural Sector
2020/03 (M)
Study on Fermented Fish Food Production in Northeast Thailand: Focusing on the Emergence of Commercial Production after Economic Growth
2019/09 (D)
Livelihood Structure Changes in the Northwestern Mountainous Region of Vietnam
2019/03 (D)
Local Diversity of Small-scale Fisheries Management in Japan [JSPS DC1]
2018/03 (M)
The Movement of Inbound Tourists and Promotions of Wide Area Tourism: The Case of SHORYUDO in Central Japan
2018/03 (M)
The Structure of Household Fisheries from the Perspective of Livelihood Portfolios in Noto-jima Island, Japan
2015/09 (D)
Changes in Upland and Lowland Peoples' Livelihood in Northern Laos
2015/03 (M)
Livelihood Strategies of Tibetan Refugees in Rural Western Nepal
2014/09 (M)
Small-scale Coastal Fisheries and Community-based Management of the Fishery Grounds: A Case of Kushimoto in Southern Kii Peninsula, Japan
2013/03 (M)
The Social-geographical Actor Networks of Draft Horse Festivals in Hokkaido, Japan
2012/03 (M)
A Study on Contract Farming of Cucumber in Rural Central Lao PDR

Applicants for the Graduate School

The Information Session at the Graduate School of Environmental Studies (GSES), Nagoya University are held in May every year, so please check our website for detail. The graduate school entrance examination is held twice a year (Term I: August and term II: February), and the admission period is also twice a year (April and October). International students who are unable to attend the briefing sessions are welcome to meet with me in face-to-face or online.

Research Student Applicants

I can accept applications from international students who wish to enroll in the Department of Geography as research students in order to prepare the entrance examination of graduate school. As a matter of personal policy, however, I do not actively accept international students who have not studied geography or related fields in undergraduate level. I receive many e-mails from international students who studied Japanese language in undergraduate school, but I do not reply to e-mails with only CVs attached. I will respond only if the research plan is attached.

If you have graduated from the undergraduate course and wish to enter the master's course, you must be an undergraduate research student of the Faculty of Humanities. Only those who meet the language proficiency requirements are eligible to apply. Applicants should check Admissions for International Students, the Faculty of Humanities and Graduate School of Humanities.

For students who have already completed a master's degree, they can be a graduate research student at the GSES. If you wish to be a graduate research student, please check Admissions of the GSES. The International Office of the GSES provides various information about prospective students in English.